Small and midsize enterprises

Secure, affordable and flexible

Security is now generally expensive, but with SwissInfoCloud® you gain access to cutting-edge technologies and the best Swiss datacenters at the price you can afford. SwissInfoCloud allows you to use infrastructure that was previously available only for global industry leaders. Small or medium sized business do not have the resources to fully develop and deploy their own high grade IT infrastructure, build and maintain highly available systems, keep spare parts, manage complex software stack, monitor these systems and employ numerous IT specialists with different skills that will perform according to the strict security workflow. We also understand that businesses are tempted to try public cloud services in the search for solutions, but find the most of them typically lack flexibility, customization and support due to their rely on volume-based standardized models.

We provide services for business at maximum functionality with enhanced security:

  • Ready-to-use cloud workplaces with all necessary office software (locked-out from unknown software execution)
  • Globally available, encrypted voice communication (with conventional telephone numbers)
  • MS Exchange e-mail service (optionally non accessible directly from the internet)
  • Self-service virtual server management portal (Infrastructure as a Service)
  • Backup solution for servers, databases, files
  • VPN gateway and network hub

Ready-made off the shelf solutions

Easy start, scalable and secure

  • Remote Windows workstations with MS Office suite (SafeOffice)
  • Unified Communication suite: PSTN calls, voice, chat, share screen, conference, etc. (SafeVoice)
  • Business-class e-Mail on MS Exchange servers (SafeMail)
  • File hosting and sharing system (SafeBox)
  • Virtual international phone numbers worldwide

Tailor-made solutions

Custom configuration according your IT management’ design 

  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
  • Database as a Service (DBaaS)
  • Managed cloud servers (Windows) administrated by our IT
  • Dedicated cloud servers (Windows, Linux) administrated by your IT
  • Backup solution for files, databases, servers
  • IT consulting and project management (ITaaS)
  • Network design and administration of client’s multiple remote offices or remote users 
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