Encryption and SSL Certificates

Encryption and digital certificates - a guarantee of secure data transmission

The Internet has become a part of our everyday life, and its use brings a huge number of benefits. But one of its major drawbacks is that data transmitted via the Internet is not protected and can therefore be intercepted by intruders.

SwissInfoCloud professionals understand the importance of establishing a secure connection for data safety. For this reason most of our services - VPN, corporate email (Exchange), Chat, FTPs, Safe-Box and others - work only over secure protocols: SSL/TLS.

When installing a secure connection using the SSL protocol, information is exchanged through a common secret code that is selected by your computer and the server for encryption. Such a key is generated for each session separately, so it cannot be intercepted, and it is almost impossible to find, because this number is usually longer than 100 characters. This one-time secret key is used to encrypt all client / server communication in order to prevent data interception, tampering or data leakage.

In the connection between two devices on the Internet a third party can interfere clandestinely. For example, you pay for the Internet over a secure connection. The payment was received but the intruders intercepted the number and authentication code of your credit card. You find out about this when it is too late. To avoid such situations special server-identifying electronic documents (digital certificates) are used.

A digital certificate is designed to confirm that the person to whom it is issued does exist, and that he or she controls the server that is specified in the certificate. A digital certificate contains the following information: the certificate holder's name and ID; public signature key, name, ID and the digital signature of the Certificate Centre; the serial number, version, and validity of the certificate. Certificate authentication is the first thing the client application does when you install a secure SSL connection. The data exchange begins only if the verification was successful. The certificate holder can be sure that the data that he transmits electronically will not to be read, stolen or replaced during its transmission through the Internet.


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