Remote Desktop Platform: SafeOffice


The main advantage of RDS (Remote Desktop Services) is that files are stored on a remote server located in a highly secure data center in Switzerland, rather than on your local computer or data storage device. This eliminates any concerns about file security, data loss in case of breakdown, loss or hacking of your personal computer, accidental deletion, and unauthorized access to your files. RDS can be integrated with one-time password authentication using RSA SecurID for total security.

A team of professionals will take care of SwissInfoCloud availability, security and confidentiality of your information.


With Remote Desktop Services you immediately have a ready-to-use working environment with a high level of reliability, always available, confidential and easily extensible. All you need is a computer or tablet with internet access. Remote Desktop gives you maximum flexibility in organizing the work of your company. You can quickly expand or reduce staff numbers, establish cooperation between several offices, and even cease all work in an office, transferring all staff to RDP.

Easy to use

We provide a workplace in a familiar environment - Microsoft Windows with Microsoft Office and many other commonly-used programs. You can access the Remote Desktop from your personal computers, tablets and mobile devices.

Technical support

SwissInfoCloud specialists will provide technical support at all stages of service integration, from installation and setup of Remote Desktop through to support in using the RDS. We will ensure the stable operation of the remote platform, ensure your business objectives are met, and handle all technical issues.


There are no costs for equipment, saving your company money and giving you the opportunity of making efficient operational decisions. By renting remote workstations and software you reduce infrastructure costs, allowing your business to enter a new level of competitiveness.

Remote Office allows you to:

  • Work with familiar programs, with no concerns about computer administration
  • Go online from the remote server (using it as a proxy)
  • Securely share documents with other SwissInfoCloud customers
  • Print out documents on your local printer
  • Quickly and easily add new Desktops
  • Use a secure internal mail and chat

You also gain:

  • The ability to connect to a Remote Desktop using a wide range of mobile devices
  • Access to a Remote Desktop performed through an encrypted VPN-connection.
  • The possibility of one-time password authentication using RSA- key (VPN and/or RDP)


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