Safe file storage (SafeBox)

This service is simple and very effective. You can easily and securely upload and download files of any origin and format to your dedicated corporate SIC-Safebox. You can reach the SIC-SafeBox from any device connected to the Internet. SSL Certificates protect the connection to your SIC-Safebox, and additional protection can be achieved by encrypting its content.


Work with files from any device: PC, smartphone, tablet. Use a web browser, application or webday, built-in protocol for working with files.


Files are protected by modern encryption technology and stored in a private “cloud”. Fault-tolerant systems and backup allow you to be sure that the files will not be lost and will not fall into the wrong hands.


You decide who will have access to your files. Determine the level of access and the expiry date.
Data safe is run on OwnCloud technology and supports any operating system: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, iOS, Android.


Unlike many public services, we do not analyze your data, but treat it like any valuable item kept in a Swiss bank.


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